Residency Trained & Voted Best
In Grand Island
1325 H St
Geneva, NE
(402) 759-4924
Residency Trained
& Voted Best In Grand Island
Aging is a natural part of life, bringing with it a variety of shifts in health and mobility. One notable change that comes with age is the stress and strain on feet and joints, often resulting in discomfort and limited movement. Understanding how aging affects these parts of the body can help foster proactive care and maintain mobility and quality of life for as long as possible.
As we age, our bodies gradually lose collagen and elastin, which are essential for maintaining the elasticity of skin, tendons, and ligaments. This loss often leads to stiffness in the joints and a decrease in the cushioning effect, making routine activities such as walking more challenging. According to Verywell Fit, an average person in the U.S. walks between 5,000 and 7,000 steps per day, and as our joints wear down over time, these steps can become increasingly more painful. A podiatrist can assess foot and joint health to recommend treatments that reduce discomfort and improve mobility.
The aging process impacts the arches of our feet, often causing them to flatten or collapse. This can alter posture and the distribution of weight on the feet, leading to foot pain and conditions such as plantar fasciitis or bunions. As a result, individuals often experience reduced mobility, forcing them to limit their daily activities. This restriction can have a cascading effect, leading to decreased physical fitness and negative impacts on overall health. Seeking guidance from a podiatrist can help address these structural changes and provide solutions like custom orthotics or specialized treatments.
Additionally, joints can become more susceptible to conditions like osteoarthritis, where the cartilage within the joints starts to degrade. This condition is not just painful but can significantly reduce joint mobility and stability. The accumulated stress from years of activity, including the many steps walked daily, contributes to the wear and tear on the joints, compounding the effects of aging and often necessitating medical attention or surgery to improve quality of life. A podiatrist can help manage symptoms and explore non-invasive treatment options to maintain joint function.
The aging process undeniably places strain and stress on feet and joints that, if left unmanaged, can lead to significant discomfort and restricted mobility. Recognizing these changes and how they manifest is crucial for taking preventive and proactive measures. At Mid Nebraska Foot Clinic, we're dedicated to helping individuals maintain foot health and mobility through personalized care and expert treatment. Contact us today!
Fillmore County Specialty Clinic
1900 F Street
Geneva, NE 68361
The Geneva clinic is open on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month (except on holidays). To schedule an appointment, please call (402) 759-4924.
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